Chaotic: Shadow Warriors


Finished the game Finish the game's Story Mode 125
Novice Creature collector Add 10 new different Creatures to the Creature Pool 25
Professional Creature collector Add 25 new different Creatures to the Creature Pool 50
Master Creature collector Add all the different Creatures in the game to the Creature Pool 125
Mommark's Apprentice Refine at least 25 Creatures 50
Novice Battlegear collector Find 10 different Battlegear items 50
Master Battlegear collector Find all the different Battlegear items in the game 125
Novice Mugic collector Find 15 different Mugic spells 25
Master Mugic collector Find all the different Mugic spells in the game 75
Chaotic Multiplayer Apprentice Win 20 Ranked Matches 20
Chaotic Multiplayer Master Win 50 Ranked Matches 50
Attack Master Make 25 fully successful bonus Attacks during Story Mode battles 25
Blocking Master Make 25 fully successful blocks during Story Mode battles 25
Master Creature scanner Scan 20 Creatures in battle 20
Novice Creature scanner Scan 5 Creatures in battle 10
Found Maxxor Found Maxxor in Gigantempopolis 50
Into the Gothos Tower Found the way into the Gothos Tower 50
Defeated Shadow Takinom Defeated the Shadow Takinom army in Fear Valley 50
The Break Out Found a way out of the Prison Cell in Mount Pillar 50


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最終更新:2010年04月04日 10:15