Rabbids Go Phone



☆Windows Phone 7用タイトル(WP7専用)

製品情報:Windows Phone Store
ジャンル:家族 & 子供


Toy late duck Find all the ways to interact and unlock the rubber duck. 10
Fashion fiend Change your Raving Rabbid's costume. 5
Say cheese Share a photo of a Raving Rabbid with your friends. 5
Get the party started Make your Raving Rabbid dance to your favourite track. 5
Flying piranha! Find all the ways to interact and unlock the piranha fish. 10
Finger snap Find all the ways to interact and unlock the mousetrap. 10
Impeccable porcelain Find all the ways to interact and unlock the toilet brush. 10
Testing testing Find all the ways to interact and unlock the microphone. 10
Bwaaahllo! Find all the ways to interact and unlock the telephone. 10
Run Rabbid, run run run Find all the ways to interact and unlock the pop gun. 10
Jet pack your bags Find all the ways to interact and unlock the jetpack. 10
Guitar Zero Find all the ways to interact and unlock the guitar. 10
Joust Dunce Find all the ways to interact and unlock the shield. 10
Triple-thickness papyrus Find all the ways to interact and unlock the toilet paper. 10
Bulls in your eye Find all the ways to interact and unlock the bow. 10
Fight The Power! Find all the ways to interact and unlock the ghetto blaster. 10
Nun shack oops Find all the ways to interact and unlock the nunchaku. 10
Scrum fun Find all the ways to interact and unlock the rugby ball. 10
Hands up! Find all the ways to interact and unlock the sausage. 10

Super Smart You've found all the ways to interact with the objects and the Rabbid. 25


ただし国内で唯一正規で流通しているIS12Tでは息を吹き込む・怒鳴りつけるという動作に一切反応せずに、Super Smartの実績が解除出来ない。Nokia Lumia 710では正常に反応し解除可能な事を確認。筆者はハンズフリーキットなど色々試しましたがIS12Tで動作させる事が出来ず
※IS12TとNokia Lumia 710のみでしか検証していないので、他端末は詳細不明。海外フォーラムでは、SAMSUNG製のWPでも同様の症状が起きてしまっている報告有り。IS12Tで解除出来た方がいたら更新お願いします。

  • Say cheese

  • Get the party started


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最終更新:2016年01月31日 17:34