「Rock Band Track Pack 2」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Rock Band Track Pack 2」(2010/05/20 (木) 22:49:01) の最新版変更点



Rock Band Track Pack 2 項目数:12 総ポイント:250 難易度: |We'll all take turns...|5-Star "Monkey Gone to Heaven" using Bass or Vocals on any difficulty.|20| |Bring Home the Bacon!|5-Star "El Scorcho" using Vocals or Guitar on any difficulty.|20| |I'm a Leading Man...|5-Star "This Ain't a Scene..." by Fall Out Boy using Guitar or Drums on any difficulty.|20| |Gonna Live it Up!|5-Star "You've Got Another Thing Comin'" by Judas Priest using Guitar or Bass on any difficulty.|20| |All Star Review|5-Star all songs in Solo Tour on any difficulty using any instrument|20| |Flawless Groove|Score 100% notes hit as bassist, up-strums only, on Expert.|20| |Flawless Fretwork|Score 100% notes hit as a guitarist on Expert.|20| |Flawless Singing|Score a 100% rating as a vocalist on Expert.|25| |Flawless Drumming|Score 100% notes hit as a drummer on Expert.|25| |Appelle-moi mon cherie...|5-Star "Call Me" by Blondie using Vocals or Bass on any difficulty|20| |With Your Mind Reeling...|5-Star "Girl U Want" by Devo using Guitar or Drums on any difficulty.|20| |We'll all take turns...|5-Star "Monkey Gone to Heaven" using Bass or Vocals on any difficulty.|20| |Sendin' Out an S.O.S.|5-Star "Message in a Bottle" by The Police using Guitar or Vocals on any difficulty.|20|
Rock Band Track Pack 2 項目数:12 総ポイント:250 難易度:★★☆☆☆ 実績解除にはのギターコントローラとドラムコントローラが必要。 バンドプレイ実績がない為、コントローラさえ揃っていれば一人で解除できる。 シリーズ経験者で、ある程度の腕があれば数時間で全解除可能。 |We'll all take turns...|5-Star "Monkey Gone to Heaven" using Bass or Vocals on any difficulty.|20| |Bring Home the Bacon!|5-Star "El Scorcho" using Vocals or Guitar on any difficulty.|20| |I'm a Leading Man...|5-Star "This Ain't a Scene..." by Fall Out Boy using Guitar or Drums on any difficulty.|20| |Gonna Live it Up!|5-Star "You've Got Another Thing Comin'" by Judas Priest using Guitar or Bass on any difficulty.|20| |All Star Review|5-Star all songs in Solo Tour on any difficulty using any instrument|20| |Flawless Groove|Score 100% notes hit as bassist, up-strums only, on Expert.|20| |Flawless Fretwork|Score 100% notes hit as a guitarist on Expert.|20| |Flawless Singing|Score a 100% rating as a vocalist on Expert.|25| |Flawless Drumming|Score 100% notes hit as a drummer on Expert.|25| |Appelle-moi mon cherie...|5-Star "Call Me" by Blondie using Vocals or Bass on any difficulty|20| |With Your Mind Reeling...|5-Star "Girl U Want" by Devo using Guitar or Drums on any difficulty.|20| |We'll all take turns...|5-Star "Monkey Gone to Heaven" using Bass or Vocals on any difficulty.|20| |Sendin' Out an S.O.S.|5-Star "Message in a Bottle" by The Police using Guitar or Vocals on any difficulty.|20| ・Flawless Groove アップストラムが苦手な場合、Lefty ModeをONにし、画面を鏡に映して鏡を見ながら ダウンストラムでプレイすればアップストラムと判定されるので楽。 ・Flawless Singing PixiesのMonkey Gone To Heavenが一番解除しやすい。 同じパターンの繰り返しだが、最後のフレーズは他のパターンと異なるので注意。 ・All Star Review 難易度不問の為、解除は簡単。 Solo Tourは大体2時間前後で終わらせることができる。 特定の曲を特定の楽器を使用し5スターでクリアする実績は、All Star Reviewを狙っているうちにいくつかは解除できる。 難易度不問の為、どれも簡単に解除可能。

