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Shacho/Tabu Zombie/Motoharu/Josei/Midorin/Akita Goldman

Josei - Piano

Date of Birth : 30 Oct 1975
Place of Birth : Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan
Hobbies : cat, collecting beckoning cats

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Josei, having the experience of the guitarist, is now a very passionate pianist. His name Josei consists of two Chinese characters and the later letter, "sei" is the color of Blue. He looks like the person whose character is cool just like his name blue.

You, however, may think that his personality's changed, once he starts touching the piano keys. He softly plays the lyrical phrases. He improvises the tunes to the energetic interpretation. He even bangs on the piano keys as he gets excited. He scats. And he almost stands up and keeps playing in a half-crouching position. His piano is simply splendent.

In SOIL&"PIMP"SESSIONS' "Scoop Out" on stage, he sometimes comes to the center stage with his white shoulder keyboard and plays the solo. Isn't it cool or what?

He also organizes the piano trio with other two members of SOIL&"PIMP"SESSIONS, Akita Goldman(b), and Midorin(ds) named "J.A.M". They, from time to time, play some tunes in the middle of SOIL&"PIMP"SESSION live for some change just like intermission. But their play is so exciting that it gives even more enthusiasms to the audience!

Shacho/Tabu Zombie/Motoharu/Josei/Midorin/Akita Goldman
