Disney-Pixar Up



Adventure is Out There Good job! You defeated the first wave of combat planes. 15
To Paradise Falls You've successfully navigated the first jungle level. 15
A Bird Named Kevin You've successfully located Kevin. 15
Slide and Slither You've successfully defeated the giant Anaconda. 15
A Voice In The Mist You found Dug! 20
Meet the Pack You've met Alpha, Beta, and Gamma. 20
Night in the Jungle You've avoided being captured by Muntz's dogs. 20
Sinkhole Terror You've defeated the giant Crocodile. 30
Paradise Falls You've helped Carl achieve Ellie's dream: The house is now at Paradise Falls. 30
Spirit of Adventure You've rescued Russell and Kevin from Muntz. 30
Adventure is Here Congratulations! You've defeated Muntz's canine squadron in the skies above Paradise Falls. 50
Wings Badge Nice shot! You've defeated the first plane in the battle over Paradise Falls. 10
Survivor Badge You've completed a Story Mode level without failing or quitting. 50
Bird Watching Badge Good! You've located Kevin for the first time. 10
Sharp Tools Badge You've used Russell's key cut three times. 10
Buddy System Badge You've freed your buddy from five Snare Traps. 25
Bug Hunting Badge You've caught or squished 100 Dio Bugs or Butterflies. 50
Knot Tying Badge You've tied off the House. 10
Music Badge You've used Russell's Bugle three times. 10
First Aid Badge You've used Russell's Canteen three times. 10
Fishing Badge You did it! You survived against the hungry Pirahnas. 20
Kite Badge You've floated across all the chasms in the game using Carl's House. 20
Swimming Badge You've swum through all the water areas. 10
Environment Badge You've broken apart 500 objects. 20
Teamwork Badge Way to be a team player! You've defeated the Anaconda or Crocodile with 2 players. 30
Pest Control Badge You've squished 10 Wasps and Spiders. 25
Hiking Badge You've found the picture-perfect view of Paradise Falls. 10
Merit Badge Champion Congratulations! You have collected 6000 Merit Badges. 50
Karate Badge You've broken 10 watermelons. 20
Artifact Curator You've collected all the Artifacts. 35
Memorabilia Specialist You found all of Carl's missing Mementos. 30
Shoveling Badge You've dug up all the bones using Dug. 25
Recycling Badge You've played through a previously completed level in Story Mode. 15
Global Citizen Badge Well done! You've put out the campfire. 20
Entomology Badge You've collected all varieties of each Butterfly and Dio Bug in the game. 20
Multiplayer Extras You've unlocked all the Multiplayer Extras! 50
Animation Badge You've unlocked the Bonus Art. 20
Ellie Badge You've unlocked the Ellie Badge! You are the top explorer! 50
Defense Badge Successfully defend against 10 dog ambushes. 15

Excavation Badge You've found the hidden cave in "A Voice in the Mist." 25
Rare Statue Badge You've found the Gold Jaguar! 25
Beginner's Wings You've accessed the Multiplayer game menu. 10

  • Buddy System Badge
LEVEL 3の中盤に仕掛けられているスネアトラップ(ロープを足に絡ませ吊り上げるトラップ。不自然に積み上げられた落ち葉が目印)に掛かった相方を5回解放してやると解除。

  • Kite Badge
忘れやすいのがLEVEL 3のMemento入手後。
取りこぼしがなければ、LEVEL 6のカイトイベント終了後に解除される。

  • Ellie Badge
ポーズメニューから閲覧出来る「QUEST CARDS」を全て埋めると解除。

一周目で全て集められたなら、LEVEL 11開始時に解除される。

  • Hiking Badge
LEVEL 9のMementoを回収後、洞窟出口から見て右側(洞窟を出ると視点が反転するので、その場合は左側)へ行くと崖があり、そこへ行くだけで解除。

  • Karate Badge
スイカはLEVEL 7にある。累積で10個壊せば解除出来る。

  • Shoveling Badge
LEVEL 6に2個、LEVEL 7に3個、LEVEL 9に3個。オブジェクトに隠されている箇所があるので注意。

  • Recycling Badge

  • Global Citizen Badge
LEVEL 6開始直後、すぐ左側にある焚き火の消し炭を攻撃して破壊すれば解除。

  • Teamwork Badge
LEVEL 4のアナコンダ、もしくはLEVEL 8のクロコダイルをCoopで撃破すると解除。

  • Excavation Badge
LEVEL 5のハチが出るところでジャンプして岩を降っていき、入り口にクモの巣がある洞窟に入る。洞窟の中央にある岩を押して上に上がれば解除される。

  • Beginner's Wings

Artifacts/Mementos/Watermelons & Bones Locations


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最終更新:2015年10月13日 19:51