Microsoft Mahjong(WP)


☆Windows Phone 8用タイトル

製品情報:Windows Phone Store

Smooth Sailing Complete any puzzle without using Undo. 10
The Fun Begins Complete your first puzzle on your phone. 10
The Spice Of Life Match 20 pairs of tiles in a row where all 20 pairs are unique. 10
Mahjong Pro Complete your first hard puzzle on your phone. 10
A Fresh Coat of Paint Try out a different theme on your phone. 5
Force of Habit Complete the same puzzle 20 times. 10
Speed Player Complete an expert puzzle in five minutes or less. 10
High Five Win 10 games of Mahjong in a row. 10
On Second Thought... After reaching "No More Moves", undo at least 10 moves in a row and then complete the puzzle. 10
Ultimate Matchmaker Match 3 sets of wild tiles in a row. 10
Dragon Master Complete the Dragon puzzle 15 times. 10
Warmed Up Complete four different puzzles in the easy category. 10
On A Roll Complete four different puzzles in the medium category. 10
Mahjong Champion Complete four different puzzles in the hard category. 15
Finished Already?! Complete any puzzle in 2 minutes or less. 10
Gaining Recognition Earn 10 Medals total across a Windows 8 device and your phone. 10
Matchmaking Legend Earn 20 Medals total across a Windows 8 device and your phone. 10
Take it to Go Play 1,000 Mahjong Games or Begin a game on a Windows 8 device and finish it on your phone. 10
Winning is a Habit Complete 100 puzzles. 10
Highlighter Complete a puzzle on your phone with the "Show available tiles" option turned on. 10


High Five


Ultimate Matchmaker

Wild tileとは方角牌(東西南北)と季節牌(春夏秋冬)のこと。

Gaining Recognition,Matchmaking Legend

実際にはメダルはWindows 8版とWindows Phone版の合計ではなく、Windows Phone版のみがカウントされる。

Take it to Go

Windows 8のPCを所有していなければ1000ゲーム遊ぶ必要がある。
Windows 8のPCを所有していれば、Windows 8版でゲーム開始してすぐに中断、Windows Phone版を開始してクラウドのデータを適用、パズルを完成させれば解除。


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最終更新:2014年05月10日 21:03