Gray Matter



Fast Play Finish the game under 5 hours 50
Chatty chatty mouth Play 1000 dialogs 50
A Small Act of Kindness Put all wild flowers into vases 25
He can be nice too Speak with Mrs. Dalton about the bike 25
Divided and Conquered Win the "Divide and Conquer" game without losing any hand 25
You should make money out of it Fully Succeed the Ball and Cup trick 25
The Beast Within Finish the game with all bonus points 100
Gray Mattered Finish the game 40

A Plant in the House Finished "A Plant in the House" Puzzle Set 20
Setting a Trap Finished "Setting a Trap" Puzzle Set 20
There was Something in the Water Finished "There was Something in the Water" Puzzle Set 20
Memory of a Summer's Night Finished "Memory of a Summer's Night" Puzzle Set 20
A Message from Laura Finished "A Message from Laura" Puzzle Set 20
A Day in the Rowboat Finished "A Day in the Rowboat" Puzzle Set 20
What Happened the Day Before Finished "What Happened the Day Before" Puzzle Set 20
The Experiment Finished "The Experiment" Puzzle Set 20
C Railer Swoll Finished "C Railer Swoll" Puzzle Set 20
Psi and the Mind Finished "Psi and the Mind" Puzzle Set 20
The Events at Horspath Track Finished "The Events at Horspath Track" Puzzle Set 20
Sam plays Lab Assistant Finished "Sam plays Lab Assistant" Puzzle Set 20
Lambs for Dr. Styles Finished "Lambs for Dr. Styles" Puzzle Set 20
Houdini's habitat Finished "Houdini's habitat" Puzzle Set 20
Dread Hill House Finished "Dread Hill House" Puzzle Set 20
A Spectral Presence Finished "A Spectral Presence" Puzzle Set 20
Psi and Psi again Finished "Psi and Psi again" Puzzle Set 20
The Betrayer's Price Finished "The Betrayer's Price" Puzzle Set 20
Sam gets carded Finished "Sam gets carded" Puzzle Set 20
The Mysterious Dr. Styles Finished "The Mysterious Dr. Styles" Puzzle Set 20
Investigating the Lambs' Club Finished "Investigating the Lambs' Club" Puzzle Set 20
That Piece of Junk Finished "That Piece of Junk" Puzzle Set 20
Bittersweet Memories Got your first memory flash 20
Back to the Basics Completed your very first magic trick 20
Suspicions about Samantha Finished "Suspicions about Samantha" Puzzle Set 20
In the Lab Finished "In the Lab" Puzzle Set 20
Terror in the Dinning Hall Finished "Terror in the Dinning Hall" Puzzle Set 20
The Ghost of Dread Hill Finished "The Ghost of Dread Hill" Puzzle Set 20
Altering the Plan Finished "Altering the Plan" Puzzle Set 20
I'm Laura Styles! Finished "I'm Laura Styles!" Puzzle Set 20
In the Lion's Den Finished "In the Lion's Den" Puzzle Set 20
Where is She Now? Finished "Where is She Now?" Puzzle Set 20
The Game of Life Finished "The Game of Life" Puzzle Set 20


取り逃しに注意が必要なのは、主にBonus Point絡みの以下の実績。

  • A Small Act of Kindness
Chapter 2。Oxford Town Centreに花売りがいるので、話しかけて花を購入する。
その後Dread Hill Houseに戻り、Main Labo(博士の奥さんの写真の隣にあるVase)とSamの自室(水差しがある棚のGlass)に花を活けると解除。
Bonus Pointに関わるイベントで、Walkthroughに記載あり。

  • Divided and Conquered
Chapter 4。St. Edmund HallのCharlesの部屋のカギを開けてもらうために、学生監(Proctor)とカードゲーム勝負をするシーン。ここで負けずに3連勝すれば実績解除。
Bonus Pointには関係なく、特に連勝に関してWalkthroughに記載はないので取り逃しのないように。

  • He can be nice too
Chapter 6。ガレージ横の塔の探索を終えた後、ガレージでバイクを起動。修理されており、エンジンがかかることを確認する。
その後キッチンへ向かい、Mrs. Daltonにバイクについて尋ねると実績解除。
これもBonus Pointに関わるイベントで、Walkthroughに記載あり。

  • Chatty chatty mouth
参考までに、序盤からなるべくオブジェクトを調べながら進行して、Chapter 6の終盤での解除を確認。

  • The Beast Within
全てのChapterでBonus Pointをコンプリートすると解除。
実績解除のタイミングはゲームクリア時ではなく、Chapter 8のBonus Pointをコンプリートした時点。

  • Fast Play
「Chatty chatty mouth」との兼ね合いで、1周目で解除するのはあまり現実的ではないので、この実績以外を1周目で全解除し、2周目でスピードランするのがよい。


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最終更新:2017年02月15日 11:42