Burn It All!


☆Windows Phone7用タイトル

Pebble Score 1 000 000 points in each level. 10
Rock Score 2 000 000 points in each level. 20
Mountain Score 3 000 000 points in each level. 30
100% Burn 100% of a level. 15
Time Lord Score 500 000 points of time Bonus. 15
Le-gen-da-ry Score 3 000 000 points in level Magma X. 30
Bat Slayer Burn 100 annoying Bats. 15
Crocodile Burny Burn 100 mystical Keyzards. 10
Family Business Have all three flames cooperate on a floor, except Floor 1. 15

Scholar Because reading useful instructions is becoming so rare... 5
Stubborn You really want to rock this level don't you?! Well, you are right! 5
Burn Forward Speed game up for more than half of the time 10
Elementary Love Fire & Water, lovers for ever... how cute... 5
Arsonist You were already playing with matches before you were born ! 5
Thank you friend You seem to like our game. Thank you! 5


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最終更新:2012年10月30日 16:37