「Captain America: Super Soldier」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Captain America: Super Soldier」(2011/11/14 (月) 01:20:39) の最新版変更点



Captain America: Super Soldier 項目数:50 総ポイント:1000 難易度:★☆☆☆☆ 実績コンプまでの所要時間は10時間程度。難易度関連の実績は無いため、特に拘りがなければEasyでの進行が簡単。 |To Your Credit |Viewed the Credits to completion|13| |Science and Spirit |Completed 17th Chapter: The First of the Few|10| |Tank Me Later |Completed 16th Chapter: Church On Time|10| |Window Shopper |All Challenge Modes unlocked|15| |Tourist |All Challenge Modes completed|25| |Testing Waters |1 Challenge Mode completed|5| |Train to Catch |Completed 12th Chapter: Red Ball Express|10| |Pleasant Stroll |Completed 11th Chapter: They Were Expendable|10| |Taming of the Shrew |Completed 10th Chapter: Keep Your Powder Dry|25| |Holding the High Note |Completed 15th Chapter: When Trumpets Fade|10| |High and Low |Completed 14th Chapter: Hell is for Heroes|25| |Unnatural Resources |Completed 13th Chapter: The Small Back Room|10| |Begin a Trend |1st Gold awarded in a Challenge Mode|15| |Who's the Bully Now? |101 advanced enemies defeated|50| |And They All Fall Down |4 Enemies KO'd with a single Focused Shield Throw|7| |Unfriendly Fire |10 Enemies defeated with a weaponized enemy|15| |Grace Under Pressure |Achieved perfect timing x 5 while platforming|10| |Back to Basics |101 Grunts defeated|30| |Snipe Hunt |25 Snipers defeated|25| |Pow, Right in the Kisser! |Performed 50 Crippling Strikes|15| |Can't Stand Any Higher |100% Golds awarded in Challenge Mode|50| |Freedom on a Roll |50% Golds awarded in Challenge Mode|35| |There Goes The Neighborhood |All AA cannons destroyed|50| |Snap Together Soldiers |1st Enemy Schematic collected|10| |The Big Sleepover |Completed 18th Chapter: Went the Day Well?|50| |Beautiful Mind |13 Enigma Keypads decrypted|25| |He Hates These Cans! |Caused 500 objects to explode|15| |Slide Show Symphony |All Zola Reels collected|35| |Calling the Folks |5 HQ Radios located and used|15| |Put a Ring On It |3 mortar strikes successfully directed|25| |Peaches 'n Cream |5 successful C3 placements|15| |Need a Head? |50 Statues destroyed|35| |Sewer Rat |All 12 Sewer entrances used|10| |Deconstruction |All Enemy Schematics collected|35| |24 Frames a Second |Found a Zola Reel|10| |Two Hands and a Sword |All Zemo Diaries collected|35| |Hello God? It's Me, Zemo |1st Zemo Diary collected|10| |Eggman |50 Ceramic Eggs collected|15| |Existential Dilemma |Completed 6th Chapter: Camus and the Fly|10| |Fully Operational |Completed 5th Chapter: The Big Red One|25| |Send a Post Card |Completed 4th Chapter: Secret Journey|10| |Touchdown |Completed 9th Chapter: The Longest Yard|10| |Down in the Lab |Completed 8th Chapter: To Have and Have Not|15| |Real Men Read Ulysses |Completed 7th Chapter: Icarus and Daedalus|10| |Trench Foot |Completed Prologue: Come and See|10| |Star Spangled Superhero |25000 Intel Points collected|50| |Four Score and Seven |1776 Intel Points collected|15| |Trojan Splinters |Completed 3rd Chapter: The Wooden Horse|15| |Overdue Notice |Completed 2nd Chapter: The Flemish Farm|10| |Just Stood There |Completed 1st Chapter: Stand Alone Together|10| ---- いくつかの収集系実績があるが、Eggman以外の収集物はマップ上に表示されるため、 こまめにマップ(Backボタン)を見ながら進むと楽。 -To Your Credit ゲームクリア後にExtraメニューからCreditを最後まで見ても解除可能。 -Window Shopper チャレンジモードはストーリーモードでコレクタブルを収集することでアンロックされてゆく。 -And They All Fall Down 特殊攻撃ゲージが4つ溜まった状態でLTを押しながらRBを押すことで敵をロックオン出来る。4体ロックした後にRTでシールドを投げて敵を倒すと解除。ロックオンに失敗した場合はLTを離せばゲージを無駄にせずに再度ロックオン可能。 -Unfriendly Fire 特殊攻撃ゲージが2ゲージ以上溜まった状態で敵の近くでRB+Yで敵を盾にした状態で敵の重火器が使用可能。ガトリングガンを持った敵などを利用して累計10体の敵を倒すと解除。チャレンジモードを利用すると簡単。 -There Goes The Neighborhood 全12台の対空砲台を破壊すると解除。この砲台はマップ上で位置が表示されないため下記リンクのマップを参照のこと。 http://www.xbox360achievements.org/forum/showthread.php?t=320533 -He Hates These Cans! コンピュータやドラム缶、ガスタンクなどをシールド投擲等で爆破させればOK. チャレンジモードでもカウントが加算される。 -Need a Head? 50体の石像を破壊すると解除。こちらもチャレンジモードで破壊した石像がカウントされる。 -Sewer Rat 地下道は合計12個の出入口があるため、全ての出入口を利用すると解除。 ----
Captain America: Super Soldier 項目数:50 総ポイント:1000 難易度:★☆☆☆☆ 実績コンプまでの所要時間は10時間程度。難易度関連の実績は無いため、特に拘りがなければEasyでの進行が簡単。 |To Your Credit |Viewed the Credits to completion&br()&color(green)&color(green){Creditsを最後まで視聴した}|13| |Science and Spirit |Completed 17th Chapter: The First of the Few&br()&color(green)&color(green){17th Chapter: The First of the Fewをクリアした}|10| |Tank Me Later |Completed 16th Chapter: Church On Time&br()&color(green)&color(green){16th Chapter: Church On Timeをクリアした}|10| |Window Shopper |All Challenge Modes unlocked&br()&color(green)&color(green){全てのChallenge Modeをアンロックした}|15| |Tourist |All Challenge Modes completed&br()&color(green)&color(green){全てのChallenge Modeをクリアした}|25| |Testing Waters |1 Challenge Mode completed&br()&color(green)&color(green){Challenge Modeを1つクリアした}|5| |Train to Catch |Completed 12th Chapter: Red Ball Express&br()&color(green)&color(green){Completed 12th Chapter: Red Ball Expressをクリアした}|10| |Pleasant Stroll |Completed 11th Chapter: They Were Expendable&br()&color(green)&color(green){11th Chapter: They Were Expendableをクリアした}|10| |Taming of the Shrew |Completed 10th Chapter: Keep Your Powder Dry&br()&color(green)&color(green){10th Chapter: Keep Your Powder Dryをクリアした}|25| |Holding the High Note |Completed 15th Chapter: When Trumpets Fade&br()&color(green)&color(green){15th Chapter: When Trumpets Fadeをクリアした}|10| |High and Low |Completed 14th Chapter: Hell is for Heroes&br()&color(green)&color(green){14th Chapter: Hell is for Heroesをクリアした}|25| |Unnatural Resources |Completed 13th Chapter: The Small Back Room&br()&color(green)&color(green){13th Chapter: The Small Back Roomをクリアした}|10| |Begin a Trend |1st Gold awarded in a Challenge Mode&br()&color(green)&color(green){Challenge Modeで初めてGoldを獲得した}|15| |Who's the Bully Now? |101 advanced enemies defeated&br()&color(green)&color(green){advanced enemieを101体倒した}|50| |And They All Fall Down |4 Enemies KO'd with a single Focused Shield Throw&br()&color(green)&color(green){1回のFocused Shield Throwで4体の敵をKOした}|7| |Unfriendly Fire |10 Enemies defeated with a weaponized enemy&br()&color(green)&color(green){武装した敵を利用して10体の敵を倒した}|15| |Grace Under Pressure |Achieved perfect timing x 5 while platforming&br()&color(green)&color(green){飛び移りアクションでperfect timing×5を達成した}|10| |Back to Basics |101 Grunts defeated&br()&color(green)&color(green){Gruntを101体倒した}|30| |Snipe Hunt |25 Snipers defeated&br()&color(green)&color(green){Sniperを25体倒した}|25| |Pow, Right in the Kisser! |Performed 50 Crippling Strikes&br()&color(green)&color(green){Crippling Strikeを50回繰り出した}|15| |Can't Stand Any Higher |100% Golds awarded in Challenge Mode&br()&color(green)&color(green){Challenge ModeでGoldを100%獲得した}|50| |Freedom on a Roll |50% Golds awarded in Challenge Mode&br()&color(green)&color(green){Challenge ModeでGoldを50%獲得した}|35| |There Goes The Neighborhood |All AA cannons destroyed&br()&color(green)&color(green){全てのAA cannonを破壊した}|50| |Snap Together Soldiers |1st Enemy Schematic collected&br()&color(green)&color(green){初めてEnemy Schematicを入手した}|10| |The Big Sleepover |Completed 18th Chapter: Went the Day Well?&br()&color(green)&color(green){18th Chapter: Went the Day Well?をクリアした}|50| |Beautiful Mind |13 Enigma Keypads decrypted&br()&color(green)&color(green){13種の暗号を解読した}|25| |He Hates These Cans! |Caused 500 objects to explode&br()&color(green)&color(green){オブジェクトを500個爆発させた}|15| |Slide Show Symphony |All Zola Reels collected&br()&color(green)&color(green){全てのZola Reelを収集した}|35| |Calling the Folks |5 HQ Radios located and used&br()&color(green)&color(green){5箇所のHQ Radioを発見し使用した}|15| |Put a Ring On It |3 mortar strikes successfully directed&br()&color(green)&color(green){迫撃砲を3回直撃させた}|25| |Peaches 'n Cream |5 successful C3 placements&br()&color(green)&color(green){C3爆弾の設置に5回成功した}|15| |Need a Head? |50 Statues destroyed&br()&color(green)&color(green){石像を50体破壊した}|35| |Sewer Rat |All 12 Sewer entrances used&br()&color(green)&color(green){下水道の入口を12箇所全て使用した}|10| |Deconstruction |All Enemy Schematics collected&br()&color(green)&color(green){全てのEnemy Schematicを収集した}|35| |24 Frames a Second |Found a Zola Reel&br()&color(green)&color(green){Zola Reelを発見した}|10| |Two Hands and a Sword |All Zemo Diaries collected&br()&color(green)&color(green){Zemo Diaryを全て収集した}|35| |Hello God? It's Me, Zemo |1st Zemo Diary collected&br()&color(green)&color(green){Zemo Diaryを初めて入手した}|10| |Eggman |50 Ceramic Eggs collected&br()&color(green)&color(green){Ceramic Eggを50個収集した}|15| |Existential Dilemma |Completed 6th Chapter: Camus and the Fly&br()&color(green)&color(green){6th Chapter: Camus and the Flyをクリアした}|10| |Fully Operational |Completed 5th Chapter: The Big Red One&br()&color(green)&color(green){5th Chapter: The Big Red Oneをクリアした}|25| |Send a Post Card |Completed 4th Chapter: Secret Journey&br()&color(green)&color(green){4th Chapter: Secret Journeyをクリアした}|10| |Touchdown |Completed 9th Chapter: The Longest Yard&br()&color(green)&color(green){9th Chapter: The Longest Yardをクリアした}|10| |Down in the Lab |Completed 8th Chapter: To Have and Have Not&br()&color(green)&color(green){8th Chapter: To Have and Have Notをクリアした}|15| |Real Men Read Ulysses |Completed 7th Chapter: Icarus and Daedalus&br()&color(green)&color(green){7th Chapter: Icarus and Daedalusをクリアした}|10| |Trench Foot |Completed Prologue: Come and See&br()&color(green)&color(green){Prologue: Come and Seeをクリアした}|10| |Star Spangled Superhero |25000 Intel Points collected&br()&color(green)&color(green){25000 Intel Pointを獲得した}|50| |Four Score and Seven |1776 Intel Points collected&br()&color(green)&color(green){1776 Intel Pointを獲得した}|15| |Trojan Splinters |Completed 3rd Chapter: The Wooden Horse&br()&color(green)&color(green){3rd Chapter: The Wooden Horseをクリアした}|15| |Overdue Notice |Completed 2nd Chapter: The Flemish Farm&br()&color(green)&color(green){2nd Chapter: The Flemish Farmをクリアした}|10| |Just Stood There |Completed 1st Chapter: Stand Alone Together&br()&color(green)&color(green){1st Chapter: Stand Alone Togetherをクリアした}|10| ---- いくつかの収集系実績があるが、Eggman以外の収集物はマップ上に表示されるため、 こまめにマップ(Backボタン)を見ながら進むと楽。 -To Your Credit ゲームクリア後にExtraメニューからCreditを最後まで見ても解除可能。 -Window Shopper チャレンジモードはストーリーモードでコレクタブルを収集することでアンロックされてゆく。 -And They All Fall Down 特殊攻撃ゲージが4つ溜まった状態でLTを押しながらRBを押すことで敵をロックオン出来る。4体ロックした後にRTでシールドを投げて敵を倒すと解除。ロックオンに失敗した場合はLTを離せばゲージを無駄にせずに再度ロックオン可能。 -Unfriendly Fire 特殊攻撃ゲージが2ゲージ以上溜まった状態で敵の近くでRB+Yで敵を盾にした状態で敵の重火器が使用可能。ガトリングガンを持った敵などを利用して累計10体の敵を倒すと解除。チャレンジモードを利用すると簡単。 -There Goes The Neighborhood 全12台の対空砲台を破壊すると解除。この砲台はマップ上で位置が表示されないため下記リンクのマップを参照のこと。 http://www.xbox360achievements.org/forum/showthread.php?t=320533 -He Hates These Cans! コンピュータやドラム缶、ガスタンクなどをシールド投擲等で爆破させればOK. チャレンジモードでもカウントが加算される。 -Need a Head? 50体の石像を破壊すると解除。こちらもチャレンジモードで破壊した石像がカウントされる。 -Sewer Rat 地下道は合計12個の出入口があるため、全ての出入口を利用すると解除。 ----

