「Tron Evolution」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Tron Evolution」(2016/08/15 (月) 23:56:41) の最新版変更点



Tron: Evolution 項目数:41 総ポイント:1000 難易度:★★ 難易度InsaneはHardでクリアしないと選択できないので、オフコンプには最低2周が必要。 オン実績はフレンドがいれば1時間以内で全て解除可能の内容。 |Greetings, program!|Completed the Tutorial&br()&color(green){チュートリアルを完了する}|20| |Reboot|Completed Chapter One&br()&color(green){Chapter Oneを完了する}|20| |Shutdown|Completed Chapter Two&br()&color(green){Chapter Twoを完了する}|20| |Arjia|Completed Chapter Three&br()&color(green){Chapter Threeを完了する}|20| |Race to the Grid|Completed Chapter Four&br()&color(green){Chapter Fourを完了する}|20| |Identification|Completed Chapter Five&br()&color(green){Chapter Fiveを完了する}|20| |The Approach|Completed Chapter Six&br()&color(green){Chapter Sixを完了する}|20| |End of line|Completed The Game&br()&color(green){ゲームを全てクリアする}|50| |Evolved User|Completed the game on the "Insane" difficulty level without changing the setting&br()&color(green){難易度Insaneで途中で設定を変更せずにゲームをクリアする}|75| |What kind of program is he?|Gained a Version (Level) for the first time&br()&color(green){初めてバージョン(レベル)アップする}|5| |Gain a Version in the Game Grid|Gained a Version (Level) in the Game Grid&br()&color(green){Game Gridでバージョン(レベル)アップする}|5| |It's what I do|Your character has reached Version 10&br()&color(green){Version 10に到達する}|10| |System Monitor Evolved|Your character has reached Version 20&br()&color(green){Version 20に到達する}|25| |Yeah that's the stuff|Your character has reached Version 30&br()&color(green){Version 30に到達する}|40| |I want more!|Your character has reached Version 40&br()&color(green){Version 40に到達する}|50| |Now for some real user power |Your character has reached Version 50&br()&color(green){Version 50に到達する}|75| |Look what I found!|Collected your first Tron File&br()&color(green){Tron Fileを初めて入手する}|5| |Tron Aficionado|Collect all Tron Files&br()&color(green){全てのTron Fileを収集する}|30| |Ah, now I get it|Collect all Abraxas Shards&br()&color(green){全てのAbraxas Shardsを収集する}|15| |Warming Up|Get a 5X Hit multiplier&br()&color(green){5Hitコンボを決める}|5| |I can do this all day|Get a 15X Hit multiplier&br()&color(green){15Hitコンボを決める}|15| |Unstoppable program|Get the maximum hit multiplier&br()&color(green){最大数のコンボを決める}|20| |Please come again|Bought your first upgrade&br()&color(green){初めてアップグレードを購入する}|5| |Light Disc Modder|Bought all disc mods&br()&color(green){全てのdisc modを購入する}|20| |Game Grid Tactician|Bought all enhancers&br()&color(green){全てのenhancerを購入する}|30| |Digital Shopping Spree|Bought all character upgrades&br()&color(green){全てのキャラクターアップグレードを購入する}|30| |Maybe This Will Do Something|Captured a Power Node or Tank Node in the Game Grid&br()&color(green){Game GridでPower NodeかTank Nodeを制圧する}|10| |Game Grid Newbie|Played a match in the Game Grid&br()&color(green){Game Gridで1回勝負する}|10| |It's only the beginning|Won an online Disintegration match in the Game Grid. Two or more human players required.&br()&color(green){Game Gridのonline Disintegration matchで勝利する(2人以上のプレイヤーが必要)}|15| |Hooray for our side|Won an online Team Disintegration match in the Game Grid. Two or more human players required.&br()&color(green){Game Gridのonline Team Disintegration matchで勝利する(2人以上のプレイヤーが必要)}|15| |I think I like this|Won an online power monger match in the Game Grid. Two or more human players required.&br()&color(green){Game Gridのonline power monger matchで勝利する(2人以上のプレイヤーが必要)}|15| |We made it!... this far|Drove a total of 15,000 Kilocycles with your Light cycle or Light tank&br()&color(green){Light cycleかLight tankでの累計走行量が15,000キロサイクルに達する}|15| |Up close and personal|Derezzed 100 enemies with melee&br()&color(green){格闘で100体の敵を倒す}|30| |It's all in the wrists|Derezzed 500 enemies with your light disc&br()&color(green){light diskで500体の敵を倒す}|30| |Knock Knock Kaboom!|Derezzed 50 enemies with your Bomb Disc&br()&color(green){Bomb Discで50体の敵を倒す}|30| |You're not going to like this|Corrupted 25 enemies with your Corruption Disc&br()&color(green){Corruption Discで25体の敵を倒す}|30| |You're slower than me|Derezzed 25 enemies with your Stasis Disc&br()&color(green){Stasis Discで25体の敵を倒す}|30| |Never Saw it coming|Derezzed 50 enemies with your Heavy Disc&br()&color(green){Heavy Discで50体の敵を倒す}|30| |What a ride!|Derezzed 100 enemies while on the Light Cycle&br()&color(green){Light Cycle搭乗中に100体の敵を倒す}|30| |Boom boom boom|Derezzed 200 enemies while in the Light Tank&br()&color(green){Light Tank搭乗中に200体の敵を倒す}|30| |Unstoppable|Derezzed 10 enemies before dying&br()&color(green){死なずに10体の敵を倒す}|30| ~全般 初見でハードクリアは少々難しいので、カジュアル、 ハード、インセインの3周がオススメ。 クリア後は”new game”を選択して周回を始めなければ、 その難度をクリアしたことにはならないので注意が必要。 なお"new game"からスタートしてもレベル、コレクタブルは 引き継がれる。 **オンライン実績系 全てプライベートマッチで最低2人で全て解除可能 **Maybe This Will Do Something これは一人でも解除できる。プラベでPOWER MONGERを1人で開始し、解除可能 **It's only the beginning,Hooray for our side,I think I like this プライベートで2人で解除可能。スコアリミット,時間設定を最低にすればさらに早く終わる。 **Warming Up・I can do this all day・Unstoppable program Unstoppable programは30Hitコンボで解除。 参考動画:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdoU0WSdmMI **Look what I found!・Tron Aficionado・Ah, now I get it 参考動画 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spZZdhSEcHw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q53ztW4V9Hs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkIx3VNiBlI ----
Tron: Evolution 項目数:41 総ポイント:1000 難易度:★★ 難易度InsaneはHardでクリアしないと選択できないので、オフコンプには最低2周が必要。 オン実績はフレンドがいれば1時間以内で全て解除可能の内容。 |Greetings, program!|Completed the Tutorial&br()&color(green){チュートリアルを完了する}|20| |Reboot|Completed Chapter One&br()&color(green){Chapter Oneを完了する}|20| |Shutdown|Completed Chapter Two&br()&color(green){Chapter Twoを完了する}|20| |Arjia|Completed Chapter Three&br()&color(green){Chapter Threeを完了する}|20| |Race to the Grid|Completed Chapter Four&br()&color(green){Chapter Fourを完了する}|20| |Identification|Completed Chapter Five&br()&color(green){Chapter Fiveを完了する}|20| |The Approach|Completed Chapter Six&br()&color(green){Chapter Sixを完了する}|20| |End of line|Completed The Game&br()&color(green){ゲームを全てクリアする}|50| |Evolved User|Completed the game on the "Insane" difficulty level without changing the setting&br()&color(green){難易度Insaneで途中で設定を変更せずにゲームをクリアする}|75| |What kind of program is he?|Gained a Version (Level) for the first time&br()&color(green){初めてバージョン(レベル)アップする}|5| |Gain a Version in the Game Grid|Gained a Version (Level) in the Game Grid&br()&color(green){Game Gridでバージョン(レベル)アップする}|5| |It's what I do|Your character has reached Version 10&br()&color(green){Version 10に到達する}|10| |System Monitor Evolved|Your character has reached Version 20&br()&color(green){Version 20に到達する}|25| |Yeah that's the stuff|Your character has reached Version 30&br()&color(green){Version 30に到達する}|40| |I want more!|Your character has reached Version 40&br()&color(green){Version 40に到達する}|50| |Now for some real user power |Your character has reached Version 50&br()&color(green){Version 50に到達する}|75| |Look what I found!|Collected your first Tron File&br()&color(green){Tron Fileを初めて入手する}|5| |Tron Aficionado|Collect all Tron Files&br()&color(green){全てのTron Fileを収集する}|30| |Ah, now I get it|Collect all Abraxas Shards&br()&color(green){全てのAbraxas Shardsを収集する}|15| |Warming Up|Get a 5X Hit multiplier&br()&color(green){5Hitコンボを決める}|5| |I can do this all day|Get a 15X Hit multiplier&br()&color(green){15Hitコンボを決める}|15| |Unstoppable program|Get the maximum hit multiplier&br()&color(green){最大数のコンボを決める}|20| |Please come again|Bought your first upgrade&br()&color(green){初めてアップグレードを購入する}|5| |Light Disc Modder|Bought all disc mods&br()&color(green){全てのdisc modを購入する}|20| |Game Grid Tactician|Bought all enhancers&br()&color(green){全てのenhancerを購入する}|30| |Digital Shopping Spree|Bought all character upgrades&br()&color(green){全てのキャラクターアップグレードを購入する}|30| |Maybe This Will Do Something|Captured a Power Node or Tank Node in the Game Grid&br()&color(green){Game GridでPower NodeかTank Nodeを制圧する}|10| |Game Grid Newbie|Played a match in the Game Grid&br()&color(green){Game Gridで1回勝負する}|10| |It's only the beginning|Won an online Disintegration match in the Game Grid. Two or more human players required.&br()&color(green){Game Gridのonline Disintegration matchで勝利する(2人以上のプレイヤーが必要)}|15| |Hooray for our side|Won an online Team Disintegration match in the Game Grid. Two or more human players required.&br()&color(green){Game Gridのonline Team Disintegration matchで勝利する(2人以上のプレイヤーが必要)}|15| |I think I like this|Won an online power monger match in the Game Grid. Two or more human players required.&br()&color(green){Game Gridのonline power monger matchで勝利する(2人以上のプレイヤーが必要)}|15| |We made it!... this far|Drove a total of 15,000 Kilocycles with your Light cycle or Light tank&br()&color(green){Light cycleかLight tankでの累計走行量が15,000キロサイクルに達する}|15| |Up close and personal|Derezzed 100 enemies with melee&br()&color(green){格闘で100体の敵を倒す}|30| |It's all in the wrists|Derezzed 500 enemies with your light disc&br()&color(green){light diskで500体の敵を倒す}|30| |Knock Knock Kaboom!|Derezzed 50 enemies with your Bomb Disc&br()&color(green){Bomb Discで50体の敵を倒す}|30| |You're not going to like this|Corrupted 25 enemies with your Corruption Disc&br()&color(green){Corruption Discで25体の敵を倒す}|30| |You're slower than me|Derezzed 25 enemies with your Stasis Disc&br()&color(green){Stasis Discで25体の敵を倒す}|30| |Never Saw it coming|Derezzed 50 enemies with your Heavy Disc&br()&color(green){Heavy Discで50体の敵を倒す}|30| |What a ride!|Derezzed 100 enemies while on the Light Cycle&br()&color(green){Light Cycle搭乗中に100体の敵を倒す}|30| |Boom boom boom|Derezzed 200 enemies while in the Light Tank&br()&color(green){Light Tank搭乗中に200体の敵を倒す}|30| |Unstoppable|Derezzed 10 enemies before dying&br()&color(green){死なずに10体の敵を倒す}|30| ~全般 初見でハードクリアは少々難しいので、カジュアル、 ハード、インセインの3周がオススメ。 クリア後は”new game”を選択して周回を始めなければ、 その難度をクリアしたことにはならないので注意が必要。 なお"new game"からスタートしてもレベル、コレクタブルは 引き継がれる。 **オンライン実績系 全てプライベートマッチで最低2人で全て解除可能 **Maybe This Will Do Something これは1人でも解除できる。プラベでPOWER MONGERを1人で開始し、拠点を抑えれば解除 **It's only the beginning、Hooray for our side、I think I like this プライベートで解除可能。スコアリミット,時間設定を最低にすればさらに早く終わる。またRBでバイクモードになり相手を轢けば、ほぼ一撃で倒せるので楽。 **Warming Up・I can do this all day・Unstoppable program Unstoppable programは30Hitコンボで解除。 参考動画:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdoU0WSdmMI **Look what I found!・Tron Aficionado・Ah, now I get it 参考動画 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spZZdhSEcHw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q53ztW4V9Hs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkIx3VNiBlI ----

