「LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean」(2011/05/23 (月) 13:38:39) の最新版変更点



LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean 項目数:40 総ポイント:1000 |Welcome to the Caribbean!|Complete Port Royal|12| |Hello, poppet!|Unlock all Elizabeth characters (Single Player Only)|15| |The Green Flash|Watch a sunset|15| |You may throw my hat|Collect all the red hats (Single Player Only)|40| |A weather eye on the horizon|Use a spyglass|15| |More what you'd call guidelines|Complete the Brethren Court|15| |A pirate's life for me|Test any custom character|15| |The worst pirate I've ever seen|Complete Port Royal in Story with zero studs|15| |The Brethren Court|Unlock all the Pirate Lord characters (Single Player Only)|25| |The best pirate I've ever seen|Complete Port Royal in Story without dying|15| |On Stranger Tides|Complete the Film 4 story|20| |Take what you can|Collect all Gold bricks (Single Player Only)|65| |At World's End|Complete the Film 3 story|20| |The Curse of the Black Pearl|Complete the Film 1 story|20| |Dead Man's Chest|Complete the Film 2 story|20| |Do you fear death?|Unlock all the Flying Dutchman crew characters (Single Player Only)|25| |The pirate all pirates fear|Unlock all the Queen Anne's Revenge crew characters (Single Player Only)|25| |Believing in ghost stories|Unlock all the cursed Black Pearl crew characters (Single Player Only)|25| |Now bring me that horizon|Complete the game to 100% (Single Player Only)|100| |Here there be monsters|Get eaten by a creature in deadly water|15| |Gents, take a walk|Walk on the sea bed with all possible characters|20| |I am a bad man|Play a level with all Extras turned on (Single Player Only)|15| |Sea turtles, mate|Ride on all types of animal in the game|25| |There's the Jack I know|Get True Pirate in all levels (Single Player Only)|25| |Aye-aye, captain!|Play a level in co-op|15| |You're off the edge of the map|Highlight the secret 6th point on all 4 level select maps (Single Player Only)|15| |Hello, beastie|Get eaten by the Kraken 10 times|25| |Fire!|Fire 100 cannonballs|15| |Fight to the bitter end!|Defeat 100 enemies|20| |Five lashes be owed|As Jimmy Legs, whip Will Turner 5 times|15| |Hoist the colours!|Sail all the minikits in the hub|50| |Parley!|Unlock all characters (Single Player Only)|25| |What do you want most?|In any level use only the compass to find all it's secrets in one go, alone.|25| |You filthy, slimy, mangy cur!|Complete all the Guard Dog levels|15| |Try wearing a corset|Do 5 lady backflips in a row|15| |Pieces of Eight|Reach 888,888,888 studs|88| |Did everybody see that?|High dive into the Maelstrom|20| |Wind in your sails!|Hit a flying parrot on Smuggler's Den|15| |And really bad eggs|Play as all the Extra Toggle characters|25| |Savvy?|Unlock all the Jack Sparrow characters (Single Player Only)|15|
LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean 項目数:40 総ポイント:1000 LEGOシリーズ恒例、ゲームの難度は低く収集物は多い。 チートコードを使用しても実績解除に影響しないのも通例通りだが、今作にはキャラクターをアンロックするためのものしか用意されていないので、事実上チートコードは無いに等しい。少なくとも積極的に使用する意味はないだろう。 |Welcome to the Caribbean!|Complete Port Royal|12| |Hello, poppet!|Unlock all Elizabeth characters (Single Player Only)|15| |The Green Flash|Watch a sunset|15| |You may throw my hat|Collect all the red hats (Single Player Only)|40| |A weather eye on the horizon|Use a spyglass|15| |More what you'd call guidelines|Complete the Brethren Court|15| |A pirate's life for me|Test any custom character|15| |The worst pirate I've ever seen|Complete Port Royal in Story with zero studs|15| |The Brethren Court|Unlock all the Pirate Lord characters (Single Player Only)|25| |The best pirate I've ever seen|Complete Port Royal in Story without dying|15| |On Stranger Tides|Complete the Film 4 story|20| |Take what you can|Collect all Gold bricks (Single Player Only)|65| |At World's End|Complete the Film 3 story|20| |The Curse of the Black Pearl|Complete the Film 1 story|20| |Dead Man's Chest|Complete the Film 2 story|20| |Do you fear death?|Unlock all the Flying Dutchman crew characters (Single Player Only)|25| |The pirate all pirates fear|Unlock all the Queen Anne's Revenge crew characters (Single Player Only)|25| |Believing in ghost stories|Unlock all the cursed Black Pearl crew characters (Single Player Only)|25| |Now bring me that horizon|Complete the game to 100% (Single Player Only)|100| |Here there be monsters|Get eaten by a creature in deadly water|15| |Gents, take a walk|Walk on the sea bed with all possible characters|20| |I am a bad man|Play a level with all Extras turned on (Single Player Only)|15| |Sea turtles, mate|Ride on all types of animal in the game|25| |There's the Jack I know|Get True Pirate in all levels (Single Player Only)|25| |Aye-aye, captain!|Play a level in co-op|15| |You're off the edge of the map|Highlight the secret 6th point on all 4 level select maps (Single Player Only)|15| |Hello, beastie|Get eaten by the Kraken 10 times|25| |Fire!|Fire 100 cannonballs|15| |Fight to the bitter end!|Defeat 100 enemies|20| |Five lashes be owed|As Jimmy Legs, whip Will Turner 5 times|15| |Hoist the colours!|Sail all the minikits in the hub|50| |Parley!|Unlock all characters (Single Player Only)|25| |What do you want most?|In any level use only the compass to find all it's secrets in one go, alone.|25| |You filthy, slimy, mangy cur!|Complete all the Guard Dog levels|15| |Try wearing a corset|Do 5 lady backflips in a row|15| |Pieces of Eight|Reach 888,888,888 studs|88| |Did everybody see that?|High dive into the Maelstrom|20| |Wind in your sails!|Hit a flying parrot on Smuggler's Den|15| |And really bad eggs|Play as all the Extra Toggle characters|25| |Savvy?|Unlock all the Jack Sparrow characters (Single Player Only)|15| 既述したように、今作には有益なチートコードがないので、red hats(従来のred bricksに相当する)を自力で購入していかねばならない。stud倍率を上げるTreasure x2などを優先すると効率が良い。 red hatガイド http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDt5O-QbsvE minikitガイド(全てまとめた分が見当たらなかったので単発で。ここから関連動画へと進んで頂きたい) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvvLujcqDDA -Gents, take a walk 水底に沈んだ状態で、下に挙げるキャラクターにYボタン長押しで交代していく。The Portのレベル選択をする場所が手っ取り早い。 Bootstrap Bill Turner Syrena Koehler Twigg Mallot Scratch Bo'sun Clubba Grappl Jacoby Jack Sparrow (Cursed) Maccus Clanker Jimmy Legs Koleniko Wyvern Angler Hadras Crash Penrod Davy Jones Quartermaster Gunner -You're off the edge of the map 参考動画 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kD2oj8o8GA -Hoist the colours! 説明文中にsailとあるように、minikitsを全て集めるだけでは不十分で、それらに乗り込む必要がある。 -Try wearing a corset 女キャラで5回連続で宙返りをするだけ。微妙にタイミングがシビアか。 参考動画 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_76JlJIPwUc -Did everybody see that? 参考動画 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_cJxKbzxoc -And really bad eggs まず、Extra Toggleのred hatを取得し、スタートボタンを押してExtrasのメニューからExtra Toggleのチートをオンにする。その状態で下に示したレベルをFree Playで始め、RBボタンまたはLBボタンを連打。一周するまでキャラクターを次々と切り替えていく。一周したらセーブしてThe Portに戻ってよい。ただし、セーブするためにはstudを最低でも一つは取っておく必要がある。 なお、Extra ToggleとはStoryプレイ中に時折登場し、プレイヤーが操作することもある脇役的なキャラクターを指すらしい。今作においては以下のレベルにてそのような場面があるということなのだろうが、Extra Toggleチートの効果も含めて詳細は不明。 The Curse Of The Black Pearl 1:Port Royal 2:Tortuga 4:Smuggler's Den 5:Isla De Muerta Dead Man's Chest 1:Pelegostos 2:A Touch of Destiny 3:The Dutchman's Secret At World's End 1:Singapore 2:Davy Jones' Locker On Stranger Tides 2:Queen Ann's Revenge 3:White Cap Bay 4:A Spanish Legacy

