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  • タイトルが上がると持てる街の数が増える


Title City Gold Rank Prestige Medal Quest Promotionの賞品
Knight 2 20,000 Lieutenant 1000 Cross Medal 10
Rose Medal 5
Primary Guidelines 1, Beginner Guidelines 1
Prestige 100
Baronet 3 40,000 Captain 2000 Rose Medal 10
Lion Medal 5
Primary Guidelines 1, Beginner Guidelines 1
Prestige 200
Baron 4 60,000 Major 4000 Lion Medal 10
Honor Medal 5
Primary Guidelines 1, Beginner Guidelines 1
Prestige 600
Viscount 5 80,000 Colonel 8000 Honor Medal 10
Courage Medal 5
Primary Guidelines 1, Beginner Guidelines 1
Prestige 800
Earl 6 100,000 General 16000 Courage Medal 10
Wisdom Medal 5
Primary Guidelines 1, Beginner Guidelines 1
Prestige 1000
Marquis 7 200,000 General 32000 Wisdom Medal 10
Freedom Medals 5
Senior Guidelines 1, Intermediate Guidelines 1
Prestige 2000
Duke 8 300,000 General 64000 Freedom Medal 10
Justice Medal 5
Primary Guidelines 1, Beginner Guidelines 1
Prestige 1400
Furstin 9 400,000 General 128000 Justice Medal 10
Nation Medal 5
Primary Guidelines 1, Beginner Guidelines 1
Prestige 1600
Prinzessin 10 500,000 General 256000 Justice Medal 30
Nation Medal 15
Senior Guidelines 1, Intermediate Guidelines 1
Prestige 5000

To reach this level and beyond you have three options:
Buy several Senior Medal Boxes from the shop (240 coins/US$24).
Attack and defeat L10 NPC's multiple times. See Conquering_level_10_Barb_Cities.
Play for many years until the daily amulet gift gives you sufficient Freedom, Justice and Nation Medals.