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  • 攻撃されたときに城門を閉めておくと兵を守ることができるが、資源は持って行かれる
  • 城門の開閉はRally SpotのOpen gate to fightにチェックでできる(チェックで開く)
  • レベルが上がると耐久性が上がり、強化ユニットの配置スペースが増える

General Information:
Strong and firm city walls built around the city provide significant protection against attacks and invasions. All kinds of fortified units can be built here.

Before the establishment of centralized governments capable of supporting strong, national armies,
each individual city was left to fend for themselves. As a result, many of the cities constructed
city walls to protect against raiders and bandits. City walls represented a major investment in both
time and materials, requiring years to complete and constant repairs to maintain their strength and
integrity. The walls helped turn a city into a fortress capable of withstanding all but the most
determined attacks.

The way durability works is that if the enemy army can't destroy your walls in 100 rounds, they all automatically die.

I have not lost any troops when losing a battle after 100 rounds. They just return home unsuccessful.
Fortified Unit - Space Requirements
If you are wondering why the walls are telling you that you have no vacant space but it doesn't add up. Make sure you are calculating it correctly. First... anything being "built" will count as if it were done. This insures you do not go over the max. Second... after a battle there can be some reconciliation that actually "returns" units to the wall after a battle, but if new ones are produced in the meantime, it actually puts you in the negative vacant space. Third... units cost different amounts for each type. The following table shows you the "unit space" required for each type.


Lv. 前レベルからの所要量 クエストの報酬 強度 ユニット
Food Lumber Stone Iron 建設時間 その他の条件 Food Lumber Stone Iron
1 3000 1500 10000 500 30m00s Quarry Lv.2, Workshop Lv.1 3000 2000 10000 2000
2 6000 3000 20000 1000 1h00m00s Quarry Lv.2, Workshop Lv.1 5000 5000 20000 5000
3 12000 6000 40000 2000 2h00m00s Quarry Lv.2, Workshop Lv.1 10000 50000 10000
4 24000 12000 80000 4000 4h00m00s Quarry Lv.2, Workshop Lv.1
5 48000 24000 160000 8000 8h00m00s Quarry Lv.2, Workshop Lv.1 10000 26000 2000 1000
6 96000 48000 320000 16000 16h00m00s Quarry Lv.2, Workshop Lv.1
7 192000 96000 640000 32000 32h00m00s Quarry Lv.2, Workshop Lv.1
8 384000 192000 1280000 64000 64h00m00s Quarry Lv.2, Workshop Lv.1
9 768000 384000 2560000 128000 128h00m00s Quarry Lv.2, Workshop Lv.1
10 1536000 768000 5120000 256000 256h00m10s Quarry Lv.2, Workshop Lv.1
Michelangelo's Script 1

