Penguins of Madagascar

項目数: 44
総ポイント: 1000

Kinect 専用

何も考えずにストーリー(Easy)クリアして 3 時間足らずで 625 程度。
このほかに、カメレオン収集、面クリア得点での Gold Peanut Butter Winkie 獲得、Hard クリア、King Julien's Dance Party(ミニゲーム)、King Julien's Critique(写真撮影)となる。

Crystal Staff of the Lemurkhamen Complete all levels in the "Crystal Staff of the Lemurkhamen" story. 50
Revenge of the Robo-Penguins Complete all levels in the "Revenge of the Robo-Penguins" story. 50
Dr. Blowhole!? Complete all levels in the "Dr. Blowhole!?" story 50
Operation Complete Complete all levels in The Penguins of Madagascar. 80
Operation Super Complete Complete all levels in The Penguins of Madagascar on Hard. 120
Archaeologist Earn a Silver Peanut Butter Winkie on every level in the "Crystal Staff of the Lemurkhamen" story. 15
Treasure Hunter Earn a Gold Peanut Butter Winkie on every level in the "Crystal Staff of the Lemurkhamen" story. 30
The Lizards of Lemurkhamen Find all twelve chameleons in the "Crystal Staff of the Lemurkhamen" story. 25
Robotologist Earn a Silver Peanut Butter Winkie on every level in the "Revenge of the Robo-Penguins" story. 15
Robot Wrangler Earn a Gold Peanut Butter Winkie on every level in the "Revenge of the Robo-Penguins" story. 30
Mecha Chameleons Find all twelve chameleons in the "Revenge of the Robo-Penguins" story. 25
Dolphin Trainer Earn a Silver Peanut Butter Winkie on every level in the "Dr. Blowhole!?" story. 15
Dolphin Domination Earn a Gold Peanut Butter Winkie on every level in the "Dr. Blowhole!?" story. 30
Most Recent Ultimate Lizards Find all twelve chameleons in the "Dr. Blowhole!?" story. 25
Chameleon Collector Find all chameleons in the game. 50
Marlene! Met Marlene. (秘密の実績) 5
King Julien! Met the lemurs. (秘密の実績) 5
Roger! Met Roger. (秘密の実績) 5
Phil and Mason! Met Phil and Mason. (秘密の実績) 5
Dr. Blowhole! Met Dr. Blowhole. (秘密の実績) 5
The Robo-Penguins! Met the Robo-Penguins. (秘密の実績) 5
Fred? Met Fred. (秘密の実績) 5
Awesome Recruit Get the awesomeness meter to x5. 5
All Kinds of Awesome Get the awesomeness meter to x5 for 10 seconds. 20
Show Me How To Do That Get the awesomeness meter to x5 for 20 seconds. 50
Feeling Jumpy? Jump (non-challenge) ten times in one level. 10
Perfection Get perfect on every challenge in a level. 30
Kick It With the King Play King Julien's Dance Party. 10
Shake Your Rear End Score a total of 1,000,000 points in any song in King Julien's Dance Party. 20
Say Cheese Play King Julien's Critique. 10
Over the Top Get perfect on a Climb. 10
Balancing Act Get perfect on a Balance. 10
Right On Target Hit 25 Throw Targets. 10
Mad Knowledge Get perfect on a Trivia challenge. 10
Leapin' Lizards! Get perfect on a Jump. 15
Slip Slidin' Get perfect on a Belly Slide. 15
Having a Blast Get perfect on a Rico Explosive. 15
Monkey Business Get perfect on a Monkey Match. 15
Penguins Can Fly! Get perfect on a Hang Time. 20
Poser Get perfect on a Strike A Pose. 20
Blast Off Get perfect on Rico's Launch. 20
Hacker Supreme Get perfect on a Maze. 20
Take Your Best Shot Play the first Rico Target Challenge. 10
Trivia Dabbler Played Marlene's Trivia. 10

  • chameleons

  • Operation Super Complete
ゲーム初回起動時は有無を言わさずストーリーが始まるが、始まった直後に左手を左下に下げるとメインメニューに移動できるので、そこの「Option」から難易度を変更できる。初期値は Easy。

  • Shake Your Rear End
Red Light Green Light で。まっとうにやるなら手や脚を振り回すことで得点があがるが、Kinect から 1m くらいのところで適当な物を前後させるだけで多少のペナルティは相殺できるほどの高得点が取れる。


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最終更新:2012年05月21日 23:24